The project carried out:
- A two-storey retail and leisure park in Alcalá de Henares, 34 kms to the north-east of Madrid, with excellent access and next to the NII motorway with 2,500 car parking spaces. It was built in 2007.
- It has a catchment area of 550,000 inhabitants a 20-minute drive away. The €115 million development comprises 45 retail and leisure outlets, including Brico Deport (6,000 m²), Jugetilandia Toys, Aldi Supermarkets and Casa. The leisure space is anchored by a 19-screen, 5,000 seat cinema belonging to the ‘Cines la Dehesa’ group (9,000 m²).
- The centre was designed by the Canadian consultant Ron McCarthy together with the Spanish architect Cubillos & Esteban, while the US lighting specialist Theo Kondos designed the lighting concept.